what's a xenogender?
a xenogender is a gender identity outside of the binary (also known as neogenders), usually made by a neurodivergent person (somebody with adhd/autism). neurodivergent people interpret life and society differently. due to this, they also interpret social constructs such as gender differently. a neurodivergent person may struggle trying to find a term that fits for their gender so they take something of comfort and make a gender identitiy tied to it! hence a xenogender! most xenogenders are based on objects such as mindsets, plants, animals and other things people may find comfort in!
can xenogenders only be used by neurodivergent people?
not quite! while xenogenders are usually made by neurodivergent people that use them to fit themselves in a gender outside of the binary that they feel comfortable with, neurodivergent people arent the only ones that may feel as if they find comfort in a gender outside of the binary that is tied to something that comforts them! some xenogenders can only be used by non binary people though!
is hating on xenogenders ableist?
yes. xenogenders are mostly made for neurodivergent people to interpret the world around them, so to say that they're wrong or stupid is to say that the way neurodivergent people perceive the world is wrong or stupid.
neurodivergent people are not wrong or stupid, they are just different. if you can't accept that, you're ableist.
how is gender a social construct?
gender is different in different societies. every society has constructed the idea of gender differently. for example, the native american two spirit gender isnt present in any other society. societies perceive and present gender in different ways, and these ways may make neurodivergent people feel like there is no way to properly identify themselves
do you understand?